In order to allow the course to recover through the winter from a very busy season, the winter rules will apply from Monday 4th November 2024 until Monday 31st March 2025 for all play (Subject to weather and course conditions). For ease of reference details are provided below.
Mats throughout the close-mown areas of the course
- A ball that comes to rest on any close-mown area in the general area must be lifted, placed on, and played from a mat, unless a putter is to be used. The mat must be placed as near as possible to where the ball originally lay.
- The ball may be cleaned when lifted. If a ball when placed rolls from the mat it may be replaced without penalty. If it still fails to remain on the mat, the mat must be moved to the nearest spot not nearer the hole where the ball, when placed on it, will remain at rest. There is no penalty should the ball move or be moved after being placed on the mat and before making a stroke, including when addressing the ball or taking a practice swing.
- At any time, a putter may be used without a mat from the close-mown area.
- For the avoidance of doubt, at no time can a ball be placed in the first cut and played from there as an alternative to the mat.
Roping and Staking
- Most of the greens complex will be roped off guiding players away from heavily trafficked areas. All players should follow these routes and keep bags and trolleys outside the roped areas. If you have to move a rope and stake, replace where you moved it from.
- Teeing areas will be indicated by White, Yellow, Red and Green markers. Play is not permitted out with these teeing areas. This includes all winter league competitions.
3rd Fairway
- The area to the left of the 3rd fairway which can become exceedingly wet during the winter. It will be staked and deemed Ground Under Repair. Drop zone areas are provided.
Temporary Greens
- The areas marked out for temporary greens are Ground Under Repair from which relief is compulsory.
Aeration Holes
- On the putting green and immediate surrounds, a ball that comes to rest in or on an aeration hole may be marked, lifted and placed at the nearest spot not nearer the hole that avoids the situation.
Wrong Putting Green
- For the purpose of Rule 13.1f (Relief must be taken from wrong green) the area of the green is extended to include its surrounding apron. The player must lift the ball and drop it within one club-length of the nearest point of relief not nearer the hole and without penalty.
- All Bunkers are GUR and relief is compulsory.
Ground Under Repair (GUR)
For ease of reference.
- Any ball coming to rest on this area can be lifted and moved to within once club length of the nearest point of full relief no closer to the hole. Drop zone areas provided at the 3rd.
- In circumstances where you cannot find a ball in an area of GUR, provided you and your playing partners are certain the ball landed in the GUR then you treat the point of entry to the GUR as the point of reference for the nearest point of relief.